Showing all 99 results

Alice VX03 1700 Freestanding Egg-Shaped Stone Bath


Amadea RSA09 Benchtop Stone Basin

$629 $566

Amica RSA05 Benchtop Square Stone Basin 380mm

$629 $566

Anki VXA14 Benchtop Stone Basin 420mm


Arundel VXA90 Semi Inset Round Stone Basin 385mm


Aveo RS12 1500 Freestanding Stone Bath

$3,999 $3,799

Aveo RS12 1700 Freestanding Stone Bath

$3,999 $3,599

Aveo RS12 1780 Freestanding Stone Bath

$3,999 $3,599

Aveo RSA12 Benchtop Oval Stone Basin 600mm

$629 $566

Barcelona VXA18-590 Benchtop Egg Stone Basin


Bianca VX88-1500 Back to Wall Stone Bath


Bianca VX89-1500 Corner Back to Wall Stone Bath Left Hand


BONN-400 Benchtop Stone Basin

$759 $683

BONN-450 Benchtop Round Stone Basin

$759 $683

BONN-540 Benchtop Stone Basin

$759 $683

BONN-630 Benchtop Stone Basin

$759 $683

Bowl S01 Benchtop Stone Basin 390mm

$629 $566

Bowl S02 Benchtop Stone Basin 400mm

$629 $566

Bowl S03 Benchtop Stone Basin 600mm

$759 $683

Bridgette VX13-1832 Freestanding Stone Bath


Caesar RS42 1800 Freestanding Stone Bath

$4,359 $3,923

Calpurnia RS39 1700 Freestanding Stone Bath

$4,019 $2,900

Cassandra VX35-1815 Freestanding Stone Bath


Cleo 1520 Corner Back To Wall Left Hand

$4,139 $3,725

Cleo 1520 Corner Back To Wall Right Hand

$4,139 $3,725

Devon BRA08-500 Benchtop Stone Basin


Devon BRA08-600 Benchtop Stone Basin

$539 $485

Devon BRA08-900 Benchtop Stone Basin

$679 $611

Eleni VX105-1700 Back to Wall Stone Bath


Eleni VX106-1700 Corner Back to Wall Stone Bath Right Hand


Eleni VX99-1700 Corner Back to Wall Stone Bath Left Hand


Elif VX42-1800 Freestanding Oval Stone Bath


Elizabeth VX44-1900 Freestanding Stone Bath


Epura RS04 1800


Felicity 1700 Freestanding Oval Stone Bath

$3,990 $3,591

Genevieve VX40-1700 Freestanding Stone Bath


Hannah VX36-1540 Freestanding Stone Bath


Hannah VX37-1680 Freestanding Stone Bath


Hazel VX41-1700 Freestanding Stone Bath


Hollywood VXA20-1000 Wall-Hung or Vanity Top Stone Basin


Impro RS24 1638 Freestanding Stone Bath

$4,259 $3,833

Impro RS24 1638 Freestanding Stone Bath ex Display

$4,259 $2,555

Impro RSA24 Benchtop Stone Basin 600mm

$629 $566

Ina BRA01 Benchtop Stone Basin 625mm

$440 $396

Jura BRA05 Benchtop Stone Basin 500m

$599 $539

Karolina VX45-1450 Freestanding Stone Bath


Kirsty VX14-1700 Freestanding Stone Bath Light Grey


Kolo VXA385 Round Benchtop Stone Basin


Leila VXA13-360 Benchtop Round Stone Basin


Lillie 1750 Corner Back to Wall Left Hand with Overflow

$4,189 $3,770

Lillie 1750 Corner Back to Wall Right Hand

$4,189 $3,770

Lillie 1750 Corner Back to Wall Right Hand with Overflow

$4,189 $3,770

London VXA16-500 CUT OUT Freestanding Stone Basin


Lucia VX12 1400 Freestanding Stone Bath


Lucia VX12 1500 Freestanding Stone Bath


Lucia VX12 1600 Freestanding Stone Bath


Lucia VX12 1700 Freestanding Stone Bath


Lucia VX12 1800 Freestanding Stone Bath


Lucia VXA12 Benchtop Oval Stone Basin 600mm


Lyka VX15-1600 Freestanding Oval Stone Bath


Madrid VXA19-595 Benchtop Stone Basin


Margot 1640 Freestanding Stone Bath

$4,259 $3,100

Margot 1800 Freestanding Stone Bath

$4,359 $3,200

Metz BRA07 Benchtop Round Stone Basin 400mm

$329 $296

Miri VX46-1850 Freestanding Stone Bath


Monroe VX16-1700 Freestanding Stone Bath Matte White


Naomi VX110-1700 Freestanding Slipper Stone Bath


NATALIE 400 NO CUTOUT Freestanding Round Stone Basin

$1,199 $1,079

Nice BRA06 Benchtop Elliptical Stone Basin 585mm

$469 $422

Noor VXA15-430 CUT OUT Freestanding Round Stone Basin


Norma-Jeane VXA21-450 CUT OUT Freestanding Stone Basin


Omnia RSA13 Benchtop Round Stone Basin 455m

$629 $566

Oslo VXA78 Rectangular Benchtop Stone Basin


Paris VXA17-300 Benchtop Round Stone Basin


Pearl VX39-1600 Freestanding Oval Stone Bath


Rachel VX34-1700 Freestanding Stone Bath


Rafaella VX69-1500 Freestanding Round Stone Bath


RSHB Headrest – Oval Baths


RSHW Headrest – Oval Baths


Ruth VXA26-580 Benchtop Stone Basin

Sandy VX23 1700 Freestanding Stone Bath

Soaker VX47-1580 Freestanding Stone Bath


Solaya RSA01 Benchtop Oval Stone Basin 600mm

$629 $566

Sylvia 1700 Freestanding Stone Bath Matte White

$3,990 $3,591

Sylvia 1800 Freestanding Stone Bath Matte White

$3,990 $3,591

Sylvia 595 Benchtop Stone Basin

$399 $359

Turin VXA77 Oval Benchtop Stone Basin


Vicky VX49-1700 Freestanding Stone Bath Matte White


Viva RS03 1500 Freestanding Egg-Shaped Stone Bath

$3,990 $3,591

Viva RS03 1680 Freestanding Egg-Shaped Stone Bath

$4,019 $3,818

Viva RS03 1800 Freestanding Egg-Shaped Stone Bath

$4,199 $3,779

Viva RSA03 Benchtop Egg-Shaped Stone Basin 605mm


VXA22 Benchtop Round Stone Basin 350mm Matte White


VXA23 Benchtop Square Stone Basin 400mm Matte White


VXA24 Benchtop Oval Stone Basin 500mm Matte White


VXA25 Benchtop Rectangular Stone Basin 500mm Matte White


X8-Headrest Rectangular Bath


Zoey 1500 Freestanding Egg-Shaped Stone Bath

$3,879 $3,491

Zoey 605 Benchtop Egg-Shaped Stone Basin

$399 $359